

Sarah caters to all Ages


Sarah teaches VOICE to students of all ages, on a one-to-one basis, from her home. She is an Associate of Trinity College London and is passionate about teaching singing in its broadest context, including how we stand, our breath control, range, presentation, and having as varied a repertoire as possible. 

In 2014 Sarah opened LITTLE STARS MUSIC SCHOOLwhere she teaches group music classes to children aged 1 to 6 years.  Each year the school has been going from strength to strength, and Sarah is pleased to announce that all face to face classes are now up and running again. Sarah teaches all over the community, in Pre-Schools, Mother & Toddler, special needs and other community groups

Sarah teaches music in PRIMARY SCHOOLS, focusing on curriculum based teaching methods using the Kodaly approach. She also runs music workshops for teachers. These include simple and practical ideas for teaching music in the classroom, covering the three main strands of the music curriculum: listening and responding, performing and composing. 

Singing to all Ages

Voice Training

Sarah has been teaching voice for 15 years. She teaches singing to all ages – children usually start at about 9 years – and students come for many reasons.  It may be an adult wishing to re-discover their voice, a student sitting their junior or leaving cert practicals or music college exams, a professional singer looking to improve range and protect the voice, or someone wanting to explore their voice, learn new songs and have some fun. 


Early Years Classes (1-6 years)

Little Stars Music School

LittleStars Music is also an ideal pre-cursor to learning an instrument. These are weekly group sessions for the 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 and 4-6 year age groups. Classes run from September to June each year and are tailor-made to the specific age groups.  It is a child-centred, colourful and fun way to introduce your child to music from a very young age, in an enjoyable, stimulating and structured way.

Music Workshops

Primary School Music Teaching

Sarah runs primary school music workshops for teachers with very simple and practical teaching ideas, to all levels, within the primary school music curriculum framework. Contact her today to have a chat about your school.

Sarah also runs music workshops and classes for the students themselves, and they have lots of fun singing, tapping, clapping, playing games, getting creative, all while learning loads about music.

Singing to all Ages

Voice Training

Early Years Classes (1-6 years)

Little Stars Music School

Music Workshops

Primary School Music Teaching

Sarah has been teaching voice for 15 years. She teaches singing to all ages – children usually start at about 9 years – and students come for many reasons.  It may be an adult wishing to re-discover their voice, a student sitting their junior or leaving cert practicals or music college exams, a professional singer looking to improve range and protect the voice, or someone wanting to explore their voice, learn new songs and have some fun. 


LittleStars Music is also an ideal pre-cursor to learning an instrument. These are weekly group sessions for the 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 and 4-6 year age groups. Classes run from September to June each year and are tailor-made to the specific age groups.  It is a child-centred, colourful and fun way to introduce your child to music from a very young age, in an enjoyable, stimulating and structured way.

Sarah runs primary school music workshops for teachers with very simple and practical teaching ideas, to all levels, within the primary school music curriculum framework. Contact her today to have a chat about your school.

Sarah also runs music workshops and classes for the students themselves, and they have lots of fun singing, tapping, clapping, playing games, getting creative, all while learning loads about music.
